
Paul: A Servant of Jesus Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

Baptist preacher and close friend of D. L. Moody, Frederick Brotherton Meyer chronicled the lives of many biblical figures, but calls his biography of Paul “by far the most interesting” to write. “For days and weeks together,” he notes, “I have lived in the company of this glorious man; but only to feel that he transcended all one’s loftiest conceptions. Like some great mountain range, the more...

So Paul had seen Jesus. Before the glory of that heavenly vision all other objects of attraction had paled. He counted all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus his Lord. In comparison with his finished work, all his own efforts were futile. It was a relief to turn from his own righteousness, which was of the law, and to avail himself of God’s method of righteousness, which was through faith in Christ. So long as he anticipated having to meet the demands of God’s infinite
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